Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beauty Review

I have been trying some products and now it's time to give you my feedback. 

 Purifying Grapefruit & Soothing Aloe Facial Cleanser is my first tried and tested.

Now that I have finished the tube, it's time to review.
Purifying Grapefruit & Soothing Aloe Facial Cleanser is the first Green Beaver product I have tried, and it was amazing. It cleaned my skin beautifully, removing all my make-up without making my skin feel dry.
 The invigorating aroma of grapefruit gave me the jump start I needed. 
I recommend Green Beaver Purifying Grapefruit & Soothing Aloe Facial Cleanser not only for its eco-friendliness but also for its ability to make me feel like I've helped the planet and myself.   I love the fact that the packaging was recyclable and the cleanser itself contains as my friend Sophie says, " No Nasties!" 
Would I try it again? Absolutely! 
Go and check out and try some for yourself.

If you have tried any of the products I've recommended or have a product that you suggest I try please leave my a comment!
I am not compensated for any of my reviews.......I refer because I love the stuff.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I heard a piece of trivia the other day, and if true, we really need to think about what to do to help our planet. The trivia was.... if all the bees in the world were gone then our planet would cease to exist. (Gil Grissom, CSI Las Vegas) Ok, that thought actually scares me and I don't like bees very much.
This image inspired me and made me realize how delicate our planet is.  The image was shot in the most amazing residential garden I have ever seen; I felt like I needed to be charged admission to experience this beauty.  So my rant for the day is just to keep in mind how beautiful our planet is and God only made one like it, so lets keep plugging away and making it more beautiful every day.  Pay someone a nice compliment, pay if forward, or pick up a piece of litter and say Thank You!!!!!!!!!
At this moment I say Thank You to my husband, Kees, who took this pic at a family reunion about a month ago. Check out his work at I love you!!!!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Shopping 'au natural'

I knew that would get your attention. Now take your mind out of the gutter. I'm not talking about shopping nude.......although that may be a new way to keep people out of the junk food aisle.....I'm talking about visiting a whole foods or a natures market. You should have one in your city or town, you know, the healthy grocery store. 
The moment I walk into my local whole foods market, I feel so good about where I am. I already know that I have new, different and exciting items to check out. I can actually read the  labels and it feels great that I understand the ingredients. I like the different options available to me. I enjoy the hunt to find that one perfect product that I can enlighten my husband with. 
My husband, Kees,  is such a great support. He sees the excitement in my eyes when I show him something new and tell him that it's going to better for our bodies and our planet. My husband actually likes vegan mayo,  I thought it would be a tough switch for the burger and fries guy.
By no means I have completely switched our lifestyle to organic or vegan...I believe the little things make the biggest difference, and keeps everyone happy.  So visit a whole foods or organic market sometime.....try a natural bar of soap or an organic peach, it's fun, you support local farmers, and most of all you may just make the best dinner ever....then you can serve it 'au natural'.......if you know what I mean..... I dare you!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New blogger in town

A new blogger is in town.

As I am new to the scene, I hope to inspire my niche to come back for more. I choose not to sit by and fill your minds with garbage.
Eco-cafe was created to attract like minded and curious humans of the world who want to feel better about themselves inside and out.
Have you ever read a food or product label and thought.......WTF!!!!! I have no idea what that is.
Have you ever applied a product to your body and a few minutes later wondered why your itchy or your eyes water to no end?

I understand we have no control over some of our allergic reactions. I am not talking about the bee stings or dander.......I am talking about the mild.... ahhh its nothing.......I just have to get used to it... reactions.
Many products we buy and use on a regular basis contain a lot of crap. I think it is important for everyone to have a place to read about it.
I try on a daily basis to make the smart decisions for my should you!
In closing I choose to make eco-cafe a gathering place of knowledge, beauty, nutrition, and most of all fun.
Please come back, comment, ask questions. That is what is going to make this place great.